Wednesday, August 31, 2005

flashback luggage
is luggage spelled right? jeeze, do they have a spell check on this thing?
i was just at the value village (looking for old work clothes for mike) and i saw this old suitcae so i took it down and had a look at it.
its one of those hard covered green ones with locks and everything
i opened it up and its gold material inside!
im tellin you! right out of the 70s. haha
i had another little look for Myself;f and found the bigger matching suitcae as well
so i got them both.
they came with the keys and everything for them. i fell right in love.
i cant wait to go somewhere now, just to use them!
so i brought them home and cleaned them up and lysoled them and stuff.
they were pretty clean though anyway and they never smelled inside like youd think they would.. no smell at all actually. i love them.
i shouldve been born a flower child anyway!
only, if i were, id be like 45 or 50 now.
not cool. haha


*If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me to before you went away -
If only for a day.
If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me back to the tune
We played before you went away.*
pezzyann was fooled on 3:45 p.m..

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Take me out to the strip club..
Oh my god, i was just thinking that i was supposed to update today but i had nothing fun or funny to write about
but i never did mention last tuesday!

so anyway marias last day at work was last tuesday and she was moving away shortly after, so she wanted all of us to go down to sirens. perry and robyn were in for the day but they had to leave by 10 to get to the mall by 11. (its always bad news when their around!)
we ended up meeting up downtown around 7 ish and we were walking around lookin for a really skeetchy bar to go sit in for a while.
well, we found it.
its "bar none" right above the spurr. and my lord, it doesnt get skeetchier! i was going to go drinking but they had cheap booze and even cheaper shots.
so i had a bunch of each and got a good little buzz going. we were the only people in the entire bar (besides some other guy with long hair telling us he was "buzzin on shrooms") the tables were so low it might have been the floor. lol and they had scary pictures.
the place is for "chem heads" penny said. lol
anyway, we got a good little buz going on there, perry and maria decided it would be a better idea to stay the night in town.
then we went to sirens. met up (of course) with some douche bag outside that insisted on sittin with us. lol he got all hot for robyn, she shot his ass down (shes so mean, i know!) i ended up gettin a bucket of beer and got loaded.
i spent a lot of money for someone who wasnt going to go drinking. i was drunk as a skunk by the time i got home. made a fool of myself in front of mikes mother. lol but i had such a good time!
im just wondering though who made it manditory for the strippers to wear those damn see-through heals lol they ALL wear them! haha
and there was only one there when i was that knew how to work the damn pole. the rest just rolled/crawled around crabbin after their own asses. sheesh

im watchin just for laughs and this missy is on rollerblades and she passes people, goes right past them and into water
anyway one person actually jumped in right after her.
some people are so nice..
like it really makes you think.

anyways! enough from me
tea time and then sex and the city
i love that show

But they werent there beneath your stare,

And they werent stripped till they were bare

of Any bindings from the world outside that room.

And they werent taken by the hand

And led through fields of naked land

Where any pre-conceived ideas were blown away...

So I couldn't say "no".

pezzyann was fooled on 9:58 p.m..

Monday, August 29, 2005

Cause you're drowning...
Im in love with this gril! amazing! thanks to pam for introducing me to her music!!
sheldon just told me about the man in the states who bumped uglies with a horse and then died from enternal inguries.
is any of that spelled right?
anyways! retarted! bending over and lettin a horse go at it to your bum
oh my lord
exit only hunny.
things shouldnt go IN the OUT hole. *shivers*
anyways mike and myself are going out for some caffeen
is that spelled right?
jesus, im off tonight.. cant spell a thing.

ill update tomorrow.
that is, if i can keep my connection for more then 2 minutes!
ill have to call rogers tomorrow if its still bad to go through some troubleshooting
ill act REALLY stupid too. haha just for badness.
pezzyann was fooled on 9:24 p.m..

Friday, August 26, 2005

Stolen from other peoples journals!
Stolen from other peoples journals!A - Z gameA -

A - Age you lost your virginity? hmm, well, i dont know whos reading this.. so im going to say, "lost it? where did it go? i still have it! *gasps and snorts in disbeliefe* sheesh, what do you think i am?? -to my friends, you all already know *wink wink*

B - Band listening to right now? sarah mclachlan

C - Dream car? some old shitty k car or something. linchon town cars are pretty hot too.

D - Dads name? Norman. just norman. kinda like you know, modanna.. only norman

E - Easiest person to make laugh? perry!!

F - Food you miss most? moms cooked anything! id kill for one of moms home cooked meals. mmm homemade frenchfries .. *drools*

G - Any encounters with ghosts? depends on if YOU believe in ghosts or not. if you do, then yes! ive had many encounters! if you dont then, "no, jeeze, what kind of a stupid question is that? ghosts.. pfft *rolls eyes*"

H - Person most hated at the moment? no one really.

I - Interesting unknown fact about yourself? i like the orange ju jubes the best

J - The first letter of the last person who broke your heart? umm, i got a few names if youd like them haha but im going to say M. cause hes leaving me.

K - Kissing with eyes opened or closed? closed. or open if youre trying to catch your fav tv show haha no im kidding. closed

L - Last time you got drunk? tuesday night down to sirens. tag team tuesday lol

M - Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute?

N - Nicknames? i have too many. well, not really. im thinking pet names. haha the only nice names i have, i guess was pezz (pezzy) porter (in school) and ive always responded to bitch.

O - What's the most valued possession? holy crow. i have no idea. i have a lotof them, i guess

P -Person you're crushin on? well, my mikey. but ive got work boyfriends as well. lol and irving boyfriends.

Q - Quote you last heard? absence makes the heart grow fonder. or is it distance? either way, mom said it.

R - What are you allergic to? nothing really. abc clothes detergent

S - Song u sang last? every song im listening too

T - Time you woke up? 7:35 eugh!

U - Underwear you like the most? i HATE wearing underwear. but i have 2 new "fat lady" thongs. lol theyre sooo comfie.

V - Vegetable you hate most? tomatoe. wait, is that a fruit? i dont like tomatoe sandwhiches. hehe god love nan!

W - What are you the most afraid of? not being loved. (stupid huh?)

Y - Year you were born?1985

Z - zodiac sign?Aries


First best friend: crystal

First car: none

First kiss: tia

First screen name: frankie. i think lol yesh. no maybe it was sexual spudberries! ahaha oh the days of icq

First funeral: i kinda remember pops. or maybe it was franks. either way it was at the st lukes chuch. so more then like, im gonna go with frank.

First album: New Kids on the block probbaly

First pets: puffy

First piercing/tattoo: piercing when i was really young. got my ears done. or, well, i got one ear done and never got to the other for a while after (those guns hurt!)

First big trip: splash and putt i guess.

First time skiing/snowboarding: haha skiing down out driveway in our red plastic skis

First concert: jann arden? thats the first indoor one ive gone too, i think.

First alcoholic drink: holy crap. haha i dont know. first time i was drinking i was in the hills with ben. haha

First ticket violation: none! :-)

First date: date?? what the heck is that? i just have sex. hah


Last car ride: just then with mikey

Last time you cried: about an hour ago. lol and earlier today watching a movie. and a little earlier then that. haha damn emotional wreck.

Last movie watched: pay it forward.

Last food you ate: an ice cream

Last item bought: buttons

Last annoyance: holy crap. those little icons on msn. some of them are SOOO annoying

Last time wanting to die: oh my lord. i have no idea. what the heck kind of question is this?

Last shirt worn: about 10 minutes ago. my black sip up one. to mcdonalds. for an ice cream. i was wearing my pink and white fat lady thong. lol

anything else you wanna know? haha

Last alcoholic drink: *urges* beer at sirens.

Last phone call: mom (i miss you)

Last job: yuck. convergys.

Last peircing/tattoo: the one on my back. tattoo, that is. not a piercing.

Last big trip: stephenville
pezzyann was fooled on 8:32 p.m..

fall is here, ring the bell, back to school, kiss and tell

its 8:57 am
ive been up since 7:30
im startin to get tired now
thats for sure
but i gotta get to walmart and get my pictures and stuff
and i wanna get that done asap!
i wish i didnt have to take the bus. especially in the freekin rain. damn i wish i had a car.
maybe ill just wait for mike to come home
i wanna get in on this room anyway. and this is gonne be an all day-er

so ive got my feet all nice and done
ive got em buffed and fluffed and painted. haha
theyre so nice. i love that thing mom got me. so nice. :-)

anyways i just wanted to make a small update because i never got to finish the one i did last night.
so im going to head off
and i will write some more later one.
goodday all. enjoy.
pezzyann was fooled on 8:49 a.m..

Thursday, August 25, 2005

my feeling swell and stretch!
you say you'll understand
you'll never understand
i say i'll never wake uplnowing how or why
i dont know what to belive in
you dont know who i am
you say i'll need apeasing when
i start to cry
but never is a promise..
and i never need a lie

im having a blah night tonight. mike passed his test (go mike!) and got his certificate thing, went out, got the huge duffel bag and all his waiting on now is the call to go.
it makes me sick in my stomach
everyone seems to be moving forward but for me, im at a standstill.
i just feel kinda trapped here in this house. im my messy room! which, by the way, i have to clean again tomorrow

pezzyann was fooled on 10:27 p.m..

Sunday, August 21, 2005

dallah, oh dallah
where to even sart!
we were downtown last night and it was just the funiest thing in the world. after hours on the sreet was the best. thats when the party starts! hahaha
the first group of guys that we met up with were the nicest. pretty cool. but who knows, there pobably creeps or something! lol they seemed real nice anyway. and then there were the fuckin weirdos. im serious. buddies name was jeff, i dont know the other guys names, but ones of tem was after kerrie and he seemed like a really angry comic or something. he kept saying, "what do she want? jam??!!" and he seemed kindve angry.
that was weird weird
and jeff giving me his bedroom eyes as robyn would call them, asking me to come back to his place every 2 minutes.
then there was dallah. good old dallah. he was standing talking to someone when i noticed this little leather pouch with beads on it around his neck. me being drunk and very cocky (and bold and brason) i went right for it, opened it up and had whatever was inside in my hands before he even seemed to realise what i was doing.
anyways it was a crystal stone thing and i asked what it was for. he said it was it was for telling your future. he said, if you keep it close to your heart and believe, whatever you dream will come true. you could control your dreams.
i wanted it instantly.
i tell you, i tried and tried. i was sooooooooo trying to convince him to give me that damn thing. he said he can make them, so i was all like, well give me that one and me a brand new one for yourself.
then he said they were very ceramonial (spelled right?) and that before i could wear it, i had to be clean or something.
so then i was like, of course, "how about you give it to me now and i wont wear it untill tomorrow when i get a shower"
but im not sure if thats what he meant.
anyway, we were having a grand old chat, i was trying to work that old fart for that thing like something awful. he seemed all soulful and spirtual and stuff. hes from somewhere in africa.
and everything was cool, we were having a fine ol chat then he looks at me (well, really, my chest) and said, and i qoute: "lets get freak nasty"
well hello true colors!
i laughed. i didnt mean too. but i busted.
he ended up gettin a CAB with us back to the hotel totally expecting to come up.
robyn was like, i think that means goodby
and dallah was like, why, you think i will kidnap her or something? and robyn was like, no, im afraid for you actually, i know shell lay you out kinda thing.
it was wicked funny
anyways long long story short, i was like, hunnie, i stood on the curb for a freekin hour, got 2 big blisters on my toes, wasted all that time trying to work it so you give me that thing and your not even gonna give it to me??
i was close, i was SOO close. i guilted him like something awful. damn, that necklace was something prertty.
anyway, we never got home till 5 (or a little after) never got to sleep till after 6 (me and robyn were up laughing for a while) and then we all got up at 6.
im tired and sick and STARVING.
ive got to find something to eat.
i could really go for some chinesse food right now
oh my lord
i forgot to tell this part
when we were talking to the seemd-to-be-more-sensible guys, this crazy homeless/bum came up and was looking at me funny and someone was talking about blowing for a quarter.
anyways this poor ol drunk greesy man lauged, put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a hand full of like half/broken cigarettes and held them out towards me. now his laugh wasnt a normal laugh but a crazy, physco laugh.
i got right between the 2 guys, took their arms and i looked him right in the face
"ive got herpes"
"ohhhhh i dont want that!" -some more cazy laugh.. "ive got a hairy lip!" he said, referring to the crazy bushy hair all over his face
*shivers* eww
anyway, so then i was like "ive got 2 hairy lips!"
anyways he went across the road, layed his hat in the road and then started screaming (or singing. i think he was trying to sing)
anyways lesson learned.
george street is much more fun at 4 in the morning when youre hanging out in the street.
pezzyann was fooled on 1:28 p.m..

Saturday, August 20, 2005

hotel tonight mmhmmm
Tonight is the bachorlette party. im going with robyn (she invited me) and dear i say it... kerrie!
were all going to stay in a hotel room and stuff, so thats going to be super fun.
ive got my outfit all picked out and everything, so all i got to do really, it my hair and a bit of make-up and im done!
i hope i have a good time
i got a little extra money now, so i can have quit a few drinkie drinks. haha
drinkie .. *shakes head* i get weirder every day
but perry and robyn are humpin
that makes THEM even more weird
oh man
i just ate almost a FULL box of craft dinner
now im a little sick
i think ill need a smoke to calm my tummy
ohhh, the drama going on now between dave, leanne, me and jamie. such drama. thats jamie! drama just follows him!

saturday tv stinks. theres nothing on. i was just watching, 'i love lucy' for a minute
its black and white for crying out loud!

(crying out loud?? wtf? what am i saying today? LOL)

thats like one time at work,i was talking to a customer and i was like, 'oh just give me a minute and ill slap dat right on your acount"
i stopped right away. i was like, well, theres a moment of missery right away and where did slap come form? ive never said that before. haha
i swear to god
im just losing my mind.

actually, that i look at it a little more, this lucy lady looks a little bit like an older marilyn monroe. maybe its the hair.
i bet if this had color, her hair would be platinum blonde.

im so excited for tonight. just to go out with the girls, get good and drunk, stumble back to the hotel..

anyways, its 1:30 in the afternoon. ive done absloutely nothing. i think i might go out and make myself useful. and tan


ps: happy moving day to deb and tammy who moved yesterday!
ive made a wonderful little card for you, ill have to get your new address.
so happy for you both.
pezzyann was fooled on 1:07 p.m..

Thursday, August 18, 2005

old home videos = buckets of tears
oh my lord
im done!
i just got the video from mom and dad, so i put it on, had a little cry for myself when they were driving around and stuff showing us their new house. but then came the old family videos.
and holy crap.
well i was a little annoying thing craving attention. haha always wanted to be in front of the camera. but i was like 6 hah cant expect anything else, i guess.
sheldon havent changd ONE BIT. hes still the same sweet little boy! just older. debbie.. oh debbie.. she made me cry the most! shes so sweet and she had such a little bay wop accent. "i got 2 tests tomorrow! im gonna be sweating enough let alone with all this heat!" and her little facial expressions. and that hair.. it was right long and wild and stuff.. she was so young.
anyways i sat here and cried in my sock (clean of course) i bawled.. and then little ryan was on and crystal sang row row row your boat and he smiled and clapped. oh that poor little boy. god love him.
And then dad got us all sleeping and stuff. i was jammed in the middle of my teddies with my whole face covered in the blankets.
oh well
the video is over now and i have calmed down a bit.

mike is gone out with a friend to fog city for a big delicious supper.
i ate a can of weiners.
he asked me to go but it was just him and his guy friend before he went away to work in goose bay so i didnt want to ruin a "guys supper" or whatever.
so hes out eating wonderful fries and a wicked club sandwhich and a nice big glass of whatever and i .. i ate weiners.

i got the best shoes today
mom sent them down and they fit!! she got them for 11$ and pay less!
i was like, oh hell no, i need to get close to a paless and spend a fortune!
the have the cuttest little velcrow strap. i was like mmmhmm, thats right. i got me some drunk shoes! none of that nonsense clippy stuff. i got velcrow! they also sent me a little toe ring and a foot/nail buffer. sheldon got a cool teeshirt and a bunch of movies.
jenn got a skirt/poncho and mike got a new tee. it was all wonderful!

work was so busy today. we were in Q as soon as i sat in at 8:30
but my lord, i FInALLY got my acsr password! it only took a month!
and what a smell of tar! sobeys was tarring their rouff all day today and of course the smell was cumming in through our air conitioning. what a stink. holy crow. so then they turned OFF the a/c and everyone just about died from head. everyone was strippin down (only sweaters, of course) and sweatin to death. of course people were complain cause the heat, so they cranked the ac then. no happy medium there. either way to hot or way to cold.
people were going outside to warm up. haha and it wasnt even that warm out.

anyway, i guess thats all for now.
im watching this thing om much music and theyre making fun of brittney spears "du sumthin" or something. one missy on this is wicked funnyr

pezzyann was fooled on 7:08 p.m..

Monday, August 15, 2005

i just lost 10$
god damnit
i was at sobeys and i lost it i think at missys cash
i ran back SECONDS later and she was like, 'i didnt see anything'
little bitch got it put it in her pocket, i bet
thats karma kicking me in the butt for finding 25$ down town and buying everyone shots.
oh well
it could have been 20 i guess
but im still pissed.

not much more to update with
oh wait
i was just as the gym, figured id jump in the tannin bed for 20 min so i went to the front and got my 5$ changed up
put it in the machine and waited
and waite
and waited
i pressed a couple buttons, nothing happened.
after some cursing and muttering, i got dressed, opened the doo and said to the guy working, "i just put my money in and the bed wont turn on"
oh, he said, well i dont know anything about it, youre askin the wrong person!
so i was like, okaaay, and asked the lady.
and shes like
"did you put the money in?"
"what money?"
"umm, the money you just gave me."
"oh, i dont know"
"well, it wont work."
so she came in, touched the same buttons i did, then was like "oh well"
and i was like, "oh well? i just put 5.00 in that machine.."
she kinda shrugged and gave me a ditzy look.
anyways the guy came back in after and turned a nob on tob and the bed turned on
i was like THANK YOU!
and they rushed out

so i got my tan
thank you very much miss i shrug alot.


anyways aside from that nothing much is new. im really lookin forward to christmas for some reason. if mom and dad dont come home, more than likely it will be just me and sheldon.
thats gonna stink!
i want mom dad deb and mike to be here too. i love a big crowed on holidays and stuff.
lord only knows where we will all be though.

im watching survivor man. hes 'lost at sea' he is in the middle of the ocean for 7 days with just him and his camera
catch me at it!
thats where the sharks are!
hes constantly watching for sharks
i think he should be put in the mental hospital.. thats insane
stay on good ol dry land hunnie!

anyways mom just called and im going to go make a nice big bananna split.
i will update more some other time.
mom said, 'very F'ing beautiful' about my losing money. god love her
i miss her and dad so much!!
time for them to come home.

pezzyann was fooled on 9:10 p.m..

Sunday, August 14, 2005

This bird has flown
im sure that lisa marie is stonned. all the time. as if you cant tell. oh my lord. she was some cute baby though! hehe

back to the blog!
elvis seems like he was the "thing" thats cool. i wonder if missy is stonned too. my god, whats her name?
elvises wife? percilla?
haha i dont know. if thats not her name, i have no idea where that name came from.

im watching extream make over home addition. i dont know if ill be able to watch the ending. the endings kills me. like honestly.
theres something about desperate housewives that reminds me of merder she wrote.
i dont know why.
enough about tv!
ive got no life, so i talk about tv all the time. lol

well, aside from tv ive got nothing else to really talk about. im watcing that cheesy movie with josh harnette (spelling) and chis kline and the girl who gets sick or something. here on earth!

mike just got home from out all day in the sun. hes got a MAJOR shirt tan going on. the back of his neck is RED RED RED RED!
hes going to be soooorrrryyyy! i tell you what!

anyways hes going around in his little speedo type undies and im gettin excited.
im going to have to get going. i also want a smoke.
yummmmmy smoke

pezzyann was fooled on 10:57 p.m..

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I just dont wanna kick anymore!!
i went to kick boxing class
holy shit
im still all over
im not going to be able to move tomorrow. i never sweat like that in my life
even my shoulders sweat!!!
it was wild
and so fast paced and upbeat. and just like dancing. if you miss a step youre fuked right up the arse hole!
i thought i was going to die.
i thought i was just gonna lay on the floor, smoke my cigarettes and die!
Every 2 minutes i was lookin at the clock, thinking, i could slip right out now while their doing their upper cuts and they wouldnt even notice! but then i was like, man, there are fifty year old ladies here. if they can do this i can! so i sweat it out.
i cant more
its a wondering im typing
im still already
i might still die. the night is young.
haha young and in better shape then me, i dear say!
i kinda expected it to be like, kicking bags and stuff though. that was a little dissapointing. but i gave he air a good swift kick up the ass a good few times! front AND sideways! awha, i bet it never saw me coming! *acts all tough*

im loving the freedom of this laptop
i could go to the bathroom and do my unmentionables while chattin if i wanted. of bring it in here, get a bath and watch some sex and the city!

anyways i guess that should be all
i might seeif mike wants to mosey on up to walmart to get me some drugs.
muscle relaxers

ive also decided
when mike comes back after making lots of money were going to put all out money together, buy a shaggin wagon and travel all over living on the land and all of its goodness!
no need to work (or shave) ever again!
we will live au natural.
sounds hot, huh?
anyone want to join?
we can be hippies!
man we'll bring the hippie age RIGHT BACK! wouldnt that be fun?? big sunglasses (which i already have) long messy hair (which i also have) drugs (which i can get) all the love in the world... all i need is some tydye clothes. and im set... mike can grow his hair out and ill make perfume and shampoo out of flowers.

peace out
pezzyann was fooled on 8:04 p.m..

Monday, August 08, 2005

text message moma
i got a text message from mom today. and it was so sad.. and sweet.. and the damn thing brought tears to instantly! i only got through half and i was like, holy, i gotta put it away.. ill start crying right here!
anyways proper timing, i was right in the middle of an escolation over some douch bag who didnt think he needed to pay his bill.
so baxter came over to take my sheet and right off the bat, he looked at me all concerned, i was like,"oh, im a little teary eyed im sorry, its not from this call.. "
and that was it.
out came the tears!
so i got my head down, like hiding in the cubicle, hes sittin behind me (being very nice) and he was like, its okay... take your time..
so i was snottin all over the place, whipping my face with toilet tissue (which i had previously stole from the bathroom because of my constant sneezing) finally managed to compose myself enough to squeek out the situation..
he was like, "do you need anything?? need me to get lois or anything??" i was like oh, no! thats okay! ill go to the washroom and calm down!

so. i cried at work. LOL im serious, im so emotional. im like a fuckin pregnante lady poppin atasol. (if anyone wasnt lucky enough to be around to experience me on atasol... i get VERY emotional when im on it..) its rediclous. (i cant spell)

man tinna turner squints like a savage. and the poor woman cant dance to a beat. lol

so anyway, mike might be gone away to work for a few months. we'll see how that works out.

anyways i guess thats it for now. me and mike are going to go to the candy house to get some candy! which, by the way, you have to pay taxes on!

i was like sheesh! on candy???
pezzyann was fooled on 6:09 p.m..

Saturday, August 06, 2005

saturday afternoon
its saturday. saturday tv sucks. im off today (thank god) so i got this room cleaned up. it was gettin a little out of control!i organizzed a couple of my drawers, got in the shower, straightened my hair, watched about 7 eppisodes or sexand the city and here i am. its 4:21 in the afternoon/evening. mike will be home at 5 and i cant wait. im having a blah day.
ive still got this crappy flu that wont go away and my voice still sounds a little manly. hahone customer liked it though. this was our conversation
"does all newfoundland girls have nice voices like yours?"
"hahah""is it normall that raggidy or.."
"oh, no i have the flu .. "
"oh, i didnt want to say or are you sick in case you werent! haah anyway it works for you. you sound blue-sy"
"thanks haha"
"a good phone sex voice"
"oh. haha thanks.."
"i bet you give good phone hahah"
"haha i guess.."

what the hell was i suppose to say to that?? LOL well i nearly died. those crazy people.
i enjoy talking to people like that. too bad all americans didnt need a quick powercycle and spend the rest of the convo laughing around and being nice. its the fuckin idiots that make me hate americans.

I havent updated in a couple days. i dont really have a whole lot to talk about. Dads birthday was on the 3rd. mom said he cried and cried over his birthday cards.
i guess he knows better then to call me when hes crying! Lord knows id bawl right along with him.
sheeesh, what happened to me anyway. i used to be able to make myself rock hard. now im a softy. i remember one time when i was younger, we were all in my friends basement and one of my friends said something that really upset me and i cried. my other friend and her mother came down and sat with me on the couch and they were like,
'oh my god lesley, youre crying!
we've never seen you cry!
youre always so strong."
that was their exact words.
i was 13 years old and i was strong.
haha strong.
makes me wonder...anyways i havent seen them now in years. lord only knows what theyd think of me now!

I am ACHING to go somewhere and have a little fire and cook out. i want to roast marshmellows like a mofo. i havent had them in sooooo long. yummy.. even the burnt ones are delicious!

anyways i guess thats it for now. i dont really have a whole lot more to say.
pezzyann was fooled on 10:45 p.m..

saturday afternoon

its saturday. saturday tv sucks.
im off today (thank god) so i got this room cleaned up. it was gettin a little out of control!
i organizzed a couple of my drawers, got in the shower, straightened my hair, watched about 7 eppisodes or sexand the city and here i am. its 4:21 in the afternoon/evening. mike will be home at 5 and i cant wait. im having a blah day.
ive still got this crappy flu that wont go away and my voice still sounds a little manly. hah
one customer liked it though. this was our conversation
"does all newfoundland girls have nice voices like yours?"
"is it normall that raggidy or.."
"oh, no i have the flu .. "
"oh, i didnt want to say or are you sick in case you werent! haah anyway it works for you. you sound blue-sy"
"thanks haha"
"a good phone sex voice"
"oh. haha thanks.."
"i bet you give good phone hahah"
"haha i guess.."

what the hell was i suppose to say to that?? LOL well i nearly died. those crazy people.
i enjoy talking to people like that. too bad all americans didnt need a quick powercycle and spend the rest of the convo laughing around and being nice. its the fuckin idiots that make me hate americans.

I havent updated in a couple days. i dont really have a whole lot to talk about. Dads birthday was on the 3rd. mom said he cried and cried over his birthday cards.
i guess he knows better then to call me when hes crying! Lord knows id bawl right along with him.
sheeesh, what happened to me anyway. i used to be able to make myself rock hard. now im a softy. i remember one time when i was younger, we were all in my friends basement and one of my friends said something that really upset me and i cried. my other friend and her mother came down and sat with me on the couch and they were like, 'oh my god lesley, youre crying! we've never seen you cry! youre always so strong."
that was their exact words.
i was 13 years old and i was strong.
haha strong. makes me wonder...
anyways i havent seen them now in years. lord only knows what theyd think of me now!

I am ACHING to go somewhere and have a little fire and cook out. i want to roast marshmellows like a mofo. i havent had them in sooooo long. yummy.. even the burnt ones are delicious!

anyways i guess thats it for now. i dont really have a whole lot more to say.
pezzyann was fooled on 4:20 p.m..

saturday afternoon

its saturday. saturday tv sucks.
im off today (thank god) so i got this room cleaned up. it was gettin a little out of control!
i organizzed a couple of my drawers, got in the shower, straightened my hair, watched about 7 eppisodes or sexand the city and here i am. its 4:21 in the afternoon/evening. mike will be home at 5 and i cant wait. im having a blah day.
ive still got this crappy flu that wont go away and my voice still sounds a little manly. hah
one customer liked it though. this was our conversation
"does all newfoundland girls have nice voices like yours?"
"is it normall that raggidy or.."
"oh, no i have the flu .. "
"oh, i didnt want to say or are you sick in case you werent! haah anyway it works for you. you sound blue-sy"
"thanks haha"
"a good phone sex voice"
"oh. haha thanks.."
"i bet you give good phone hahah"
"haha i guess.."

what the hell was i suppose to say to that?? LOL well i nearly died. those crazy people.
i enjoy talking to people like that. too bad all americans didnt need a quick powercycle and spend the rest of the convo laughing around and being nice. its the fuckin idiots that make me hate americans.

I havent updated in a couple days. i dont really have a whole lot to talk about. Dads birthday was on the 3rd. mom said he cried and cried over his birthday cards.
i guess he knows better then to call me when hes crying! Lord knows id bawl right along with him.
sheeesh, what happened to me anyway. i used to be able to make myself rock hard. now im a softy. i remember one time when i was younger, we were all in my friends basement and one of my friends said something that really upset me and i cried. my other friend and her mother came down and sat with me on the couch and they were like, 'oh my god lesley, youre crying! we've never seen you cry! youre always so strong."
that was their exact words.
i was 13 years old and i was strong.
haha strong. makes me wonder...
anyways i havent seen them now in years. lord only knows what theyd think of me now!

I am ACHING to go somewhere and have a little fire and cook out. i want to roast marshmellows like a mofo. i havent had them in sooooo long. yummy.. even the burnt ones are delicious!

anyways i guess thats it for now. i dont really have a whole lot more to say.
pezzyann was fooled on 4:20 p.m..

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

canada fancy
im so poor and flat on my ass. Ive got no money and a million bills to pay! including my phone bill, which i wish they would just shut off. I owe 50 damn dollars to curves (those fat bitches are robbin me blind!) and i got to start payin off my baby a.s.a.p.
thank god tomorrow ill be gettin double time and a half!
me and mike jsut bought a new damn tv, i charged groceries to my little whimpy visa and i ate a can of corn for supper.
thats right.
i ate a damn can of corn
the empty can is actually on my night stand now, every now and then i gets a wiff and it makes me urge. haha

Im back to work now. my first day was SHITTY. it seems now though i dont get angry. i just get upset. and instead of screaming, id rather just cry.
4 people on my team have just up and quit.
said fuck this and left. im so jealous its insane. if only i could..

oh my lord
saturday night was the funniest. we got to club 180 (i know sheldon, its NOT 108) anyway me and robyn were dancing away and i noticed these 2 guys watching us.. anyways, we were playing it on, gettin them going when we noticed these 2 girls behind us goin at it trying to show us up. so we were like hells no, you cant outslut the sluts. i danced and bent down and did all this stuff i didnt think my body was cappibal of doing. (i totally spelt that word wrong) they gave up after a while, we lost interest in the guys but really got an old fart aroused! thats right. you cant outslut the sluttiest! i was touchin robins goochies and everthing! hahahahahaha anyways my legs are still stiff. i have to 2-step the stairs. me and mike went to check out the sam roberts concert the last night (which, by the way, sucked) and we, or course, were on the top street and had to go down all the circle-y steps to get on george street. well lord jesus, it took me about 10 minutes! i was grippin the rail for dear life, walkin down sideways, 2 feet on each step.
i tried to do some leg exorcises today at the gym, and was shakin like a leaf! because of 30 pounds! eeesh!
i can usually lift 120 with ease, but i couldnt even budge the 30 pound weights.
hah i was like, 'maybe ill just work on my arms.. im not really in the mood to work my legs.' lol
anyways now my arms are like rubber.
but my pic id for the gym looks nice.

anyways sex and the city is one. (what a delicious treat..) so im gonna go.
none of these girls every work and they eat out like twice a day. and they just throw their money around. lucky bitches. wish i could afford to spend thousands on half a dress!
wait, i wish i could look GOOD in half a dess. lol
well that is it for now. im kinda wanting some tea, but maybe ill just have ice cream
ill wait untill next commercial. i dont want to miss a minute. these girls just crack me up.


pezzyann was fooled on 9:50 p.m..

I am who I want to be. I am...

{~} Lesley
{~} Female
{~} 19 years old
{~} Canada

I go wherever and whenever I want to. I go...

{~} Mike's
{~} Pam's
{~} Amy's

I am my past and my past is me. I was...

03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005 10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005 11/01/2005 - 12/01/2005 12/01/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 04/01/2006 - 05/01/2006 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 06/01/2006 - 07/01/2006 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 08/01/2006 - 09/01/2006 09/01/2006 - 10/01/2006 10/01/2006 - 11/01/2006 11/01/2006 - 12/01/2006 12/01/2006 - 01/01/2007 01/01/2007 - 02/01/2007 02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007 03/01/2007 - 04/01/2007 04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007 05/01/2007 - 06/01/2007 06/01/2007 - 07/01/2007 07/01/2007 - 08/01/2007 08/01/2007 - 09/01/2007 10/01/2007 - 11/01/2007 11/01/2007 - 12/01/2007 12/01/2007 - 01/01/2008 05/01/2008 - 06/01/2008 04/01/2009 - 05/01/2009 06/01/2009 - 07/01/2009

I say what I want to say. I say...